michelle + albert, and how they rocked things chicago-style in their weddin’ gear

November 4, 2011

Michelle + Albert got married a few months ago, but didn’t have time to get cool shots on their wedding day, so contacted us about doing a fun wedding-day-esque shoot in Chicago.  (Although they currently call California their home…)  A non-trashing trash the dress, if you will.  Shoots like this are a dream!  No time pressures or places to be, you can take your time, hit all the locations you love, and simply relax.  All the while, unsuspecting passers-by have no idea it isn’t really the couple’s wedding day, so you get lots of attention, honks, cheers … and free stuff.  😉  Michelle’s bestie and Maid of Honor, Suzanne, also came along for some shooting action, which added an extra dimension of fun + laughs.  She was such a blast to have along!

In other news, Jayden + I are in Australia at the moment.  Melbourne, to be exact.  (I surprised Jayden with a trip to visit his fam, cuz he turns 30 next week !!)  We’ll be here for another 2-ish weeks, so if you need some photes, shoot us an email!  caroline@woodnotephotography.com  While we’re here, we’ll be catching up on a *serious amount of blogging — so stay tuned.  We’ve got some fabulous frames to share with you over the upcoming days!

You guys (Michelle, Albert + Suzanne), we’re so glad that the Google brought you into our open arms and in front of our circular glass.  We had a blast’n’a half, and we hope our paths cross again!  xx





























first shot is kill-er-er-er