creative tea + sympathy : introducing MENTOR SESSIONS!

January 14, 2014


Hello, hello!  ‘Tis a New Year!  If you’re anything like us, you use that ol’ December 31 to sit + reflect, and look back at where you’ve been, whilst looking ahead to where you hope to go. While we were having said reflective discussions, this epiphany came to us … and so here we go!

Over the past few years, it might be apt to say that here at Woodnote we have been ‘making it up as we go along’.  From starting a business, to making that business both of our full time jobs, to journeying through foreign lands, living a year on the road, to navigating through an inter-continental relationship, and then launching Elephant Landing … the list goes on!  So for whatever reason, we get asked daily by a variety of people across the planet and in different walks of life, “Just how on earth do you guys do this?! Can you give me advice about how to do [this thing] I’ve always wanted to do that scares me silly?!”.  Fair enough.  We’re living differently, and loving it!  Why wouldn’t people be curious?  The truth is, it’s a very long and detailed story.. one that we have nothing but gratitude for.

As far as little ol’ Woodnote is concerned, it comes as a big surprise when we are asked our advice —  welcomed as it is, we feel honored, humbled, and frankly a little shocked — probably because we see ourselves as the learners, and always will!

All that to say, it got us thinking about how we might best provide the answers, advice, and guidance to those folks who seriously want a helping hand, an empowering word, a chance to process their abilities + strategize about how to put them into play so that they can achieve their goals, OR, even a straight-up kick in the pants creatively!  So, starting now, we are opening up dates for what we like to call “Creative Tea + Sympathy”…!

“Creative Tea + Sympathy” is time with us, dedicated to you and your creative aspirations. Whether you are a photographer or create in some other form, a business person with a rad idea, “Creative Tea + Sympathy” is an opportunity for you to get nourished, empowered, heard and guided in your vision.  We believe that collaborating with the right people can make or break the success of your journey, and we’d be honored to be a part of you achieving success!

We LOVE creatives and visionaries, but more importantly, we LOVE seeing people succeed. If our successes, failures, lessons and journey can help you get where you want to be personally and creatively (is there a difference?!), then let’s share some Creative Tea + Sympathy!  We’ve also found some fantastic books + resources along the way that we would love to share with you, so prepare yourself for a tiny bit of homework, too…  🙂

Creative Tea + Sympathy sessions will be dedicated times meeting with both of us face-to-face, talking through what you are hoping to achieve creatively, and asking us your no-holds-barred burning questions. Whether your endeavor is photographic or otherwise, start penning down your questions now – they can be as random or obvious as you’d like, from exploring creative philosophy, dealing with people, keeping the books in order, arranging a us to do a shoot that you can watch + observe us complete, time management, how best to clone dinosaurs, photography technique, social media and balancing real life with online life, ninjas versus pirates, working professionally with your romantic partner, how to build a robot that hugs back, or even, “how do I get started!”, etcetera etcetera.

There are no wrong, dumb, or pointless questions in Creative Tea + Sympathy. There are no silly visions. There are two parties getting together for the better of the world through your vision and dream.

We are traveling all the time, and so nowhere is off limits – if you’re there, chances are we will be soon, too! Plus, for all those living on the moon, there’s always Skype! 😉  Sessions start at $100/hr — but email us [] for more info, and let us know what you have on your mind!

Let’s get chatting!

xo, Caroline + Jayden


Love this space and would love to get info on upcoming events. Xo