day 44.
i’m feeling over it today.
last week, i wrote an instagram post with a caption all about the layers of feelings we have… and the waves of feelings, too. what we’re going through is a lot to process. and so many messaged me about how much they resonated.
sometimes i feel grateful + blissed + stoked to have an ‘inciting incident’ that has invited me to check in with the way my life is, and really sit with what is important / not important.
but today? today i’m just angry, tired of feeling like i have no agency, and over it.
i warned a friend this morning: “by the way, i’m feeling annoyed today and right now it is coming out in me being frustrated with you and wanting to nitpick you, and i want to name it, because i actually know it has nothing to do with you. i just feel out of control and so i want to control something instead of sit with my own discomfort.”
my friend was incredibly gracious and just replied, “i’m glad i could be a trigger for you so that you can work through judgment.”
…if only i could be so neutral.
these are some of my very favorite portraits from this series so far.
lisa is a dear friend, and her girls A + L are cherubs, i tell you.
i hope that, wherever you are, however you’re feeling, you’re being gentle with yourself and sitting with your feelings. it is ok to have intense feelings, especially right now. and just being with the feelings (instead of making the feeling about someone/something else) is a superpower worth practicing.
sending you love from behind this face mask. xx
I feel you. And absolutely lovely serie. I Love the Last three most of it. Good Work. Greetings from Germany